Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Business Marketing Part I

Business Marketing is the marketing of goods and services to individuals and organizations for purposes other than personal consumption. Chevrolet feels that their vehicles are built to last and are very efficient at the same time at an reasonable price. The auto industry is an business to business environment. Chevrolet sees that repeat business is an very delicate and important entity when it comes to business. Chevrolet sells extremely reliable automobiles where it does not cost you anything to service them because most of the elements in the car are serviced with a factory warranty that will replace any damaged part of the vehicle that is caused naturally and not in an accident or damage intentionally by the owner. Chevrolet gets its parts for their vehicles from General Motors, then pays the employees to build the vehicle, then sells it to the consumer. Each party is very important because you need all the wheels to work together to have a business or company running on the same page because if you do not the business or company is in for disaster. Chevrolet is part of an strategic alliance with General Motors which are one of the most successful businesses in the whole world. Chevrolet also believes in commitment and that's why good businesses last even during economic hardships.

Cosumer Decision Making Part I

Chevrolet Motor Company is well aware of consumer decision making, the company understands that their company needs recognition from customers, media,etc. The company also understands that the salesman in the company must be aware of all the vehicles specs and performance, and also to list it to the public so they can access it easily. The company also understands that their product must fulfill the customers overall desires and or needs. People tend to buy things that they see other people with. Not to get off topic but many people purchase Nike and Jordan sneakers to play basketball because they see that's what many people wear to play the sport. So cars work almost the same way. Chevrolet makes themselves very accessible to many people and list all their information online, they also put many of the vehicles on numerous commercials and movies to get themselves out there. The best way to satisfy a consumer is to do it and another to get a consumer satisfied is to state how your product is the best and what the product is capable of doing. For example all of Chevrolet's new vehicles come with on-star system for emergency purposes or accidents of any kind. Many cars lack this because you have to pay extra to get this in your vehicle when on-star is already equipped with this service to ensure your life is safe but easier as well.

Chevrolet Motors Company's Global Marketing Part 2

Chevrolet Motor Company has began a exporting trade for years now. Chevrolet has factories almost all throughout the globe. Many companies move their factories overseas to make lots of capital but also do it with as minimal overhead as possible. Often labor is very inexpensive overseas because many natives are desperate for job opportunities. In many countries the natives who reside there are not properly educated so companies tend to pay them less and get the job done in bulk and get a larger return on the product after the purchase is made. Many companies go overseas because of this but, I feel Chevrolet did it for those same reasons but also wants their product to been known throughout the globe. When other nations know of your product and want it that's when you know that your company is either the best or one of the best. That's what I believe that Chevrolet Motors Company tends to achieve back then and now on.

Chevrolet Motors Company's Global Marketing

Chevrolet Motor Company has went Globally and this year has made over $2.2 million dollars in sales overseas. According to research that I have done, Chevrolet Motor Companies are located in roughly over 50 nations. One of the larger Chevrolet Motor Company Manufacturers company in Shanghi, China. There are many other manufacturer factories all over Europe as well. Chevrolet sees that the more nations that they can spread their business the more money the corporation could make. Last year, Chevrolet Motor Company acquired approximately 24.4 percent of the auto sales business in Europe which isn't bad for overseas business, in the united states Chevrolet hit 42.6 percent of auto sales in North America. Chevrolet is progressing somewhat better this year even to spite the economic crisis that many nations are in currently.

Social Responsiblity, Ethics & Marketing Environment of Chevrolet Motors Part 2

When it comes to Marketing Environment any and every company must know how to set a price on a product, where and when to distribute the product. The company must set up some prromotions for the product and also create tactical price strategies that will not seem unreasonable to the consumer. Chevrolet Motor Company has came out with promotions for when you purchase a vehicle the interest could be zero percent depending on how much money the consumer puts down onto the vehicle of purchase. Chevrolet Motors Company is doing what they can to get customers into their vehicles, there are no companies large and powerful enough to create major change in the external environment. Chevrolet Motors Company is giving the best deal that they can to better the consumer, setting car prices at reasonable prices and giving the vehicles the options as possible.

Strategic Planning of Chevrolet Motors Part 2

in 2010 Chevrolet Motors Company will introduce another old friend from the past that many Americans grow up to know and love but, with a new look and a more powerful engine the 2011 Chevrolet Corvette. The 2011 Corvette was also shown in the hit movie Transformers 2 as well as the Camaro, Aveos Coupe and Sedan. Chevrolet Motor Company has even got into the hybrid business and they are doing pretty well in the section of business. Many customers purchase hybrids on the fact that they are great on gas and are also electric. Chevrolet Motor Company are going into many new avenues to sell what they people want. During the Clunkers time frame their sales percentage increased to a strong and impressive 250%. They promoted the idea of bringing your old car and receiving $5000 cash for it and walking out in a brand new car. Chevrolet is even thinking about opening a General Motors Manufacturers Company in Europe with the next three years, that's brilliant I believe. American cars are starting to get quite popular overseas.

History & Overview of Marketing Part 2

It is Chevrolet Motor Company's main goal, to come out with vehicles that are more appealing abd exotic to everyone. Not only Chevrolet has a brand new exotic car lineup but they also have cars that are more fuel efficient and also eco friendly to better society. Chevrolet recently announced that they have free car service whenever the customers car needs to be fixed and or serviced. This is the same type of customer satisfaction that BWM also provides for their customers. Chevrolet Motors Company has also made their cars a lot more affordable and luxurious like many other European car manufacturers like Audi, BMW, etc. They are also extending Chevrolet manufacturers company by the middle of next year in Detroit to increase production and have about 8000 new jobs for people in the community.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Social Responsiblity, Ethics & Marketing Environment of Chevrolet Motors

The Chevrolet Motor Company believes in satisfying their customers tremendously. Chevrolet Motor Company is all about social responsibility, not only they have made all their vehicles fuel efficient and eco friendly they have also offered free matience when you purchase a vehicle from them. Chevrolet feels that as long as they can appease it's customers, more people will buy cars and gives plenty of referrals. Cause of this Chevrolet Motors Company will have steady residual income because of the satisfaction of all the customers. When it comes to Market Environment it deals with the external and internal of a company. The external would be targeting the customers and satisfying them and the internal would be the finances, management, and employees of the company. During the clunkers bill that President Barack Obama, Chevrolet business increased by 250% even to spie the harsh economic times that we all are enduring. Sometimes a company just has to change overall with the times in order to last and be successful.

Strategic Planning of Chevrolet Motors

Chevrolet Motors Company strategic planning is to bring a line of new exotic looking vehicles that are not only fast but more fuel efficient as well. This year the new 2010 Camaro was introduced in the movies Transformers & Transformers 2, the planning for this car was indeed great. Chevrolet had one of the robots as a the Camaro in both movies. Even with the poor economy Chevrolet are still selling cars and its proving that Americans still drive and love their cars. The Chevrolet Motor used the Transformers movies to market itself and it was a very big success. During the next couple of years, Chevrolet sees themselves as selling many of the new upcoming vehicles such as the equinox, transverse for the better of the economy, environment, and for the people.

The History of Chevrolet Motors

The Chevrolet Motor Company was created in 1911 by Louis Chevrolet, William Little and Edwin Campbell, with William Durant's son in law . The headquarters is in Detroit. In 1916, Durant announced that Chevrolet owned approximately 54.5 percent of GM's outstanding shares and takes over the GM presidency from Charles W. Nash, who had been GM president from 1912 to 1916. During 1918 General Motors purchases the operating assets Of Chevrolet Motor Company in May. In 1924 Chevrolet introduced its first six liter engine for use in commercial vehicles. This specific engine was known as "the cast iron wonder" for its durability. During the 50's the v-8 engine in trucks were introduced and so was the infamous "camaro" in 1967, within that time frame Chevrolet began to create six passenger sedans and trucks. The 1984 Chevrolet Corvette is introduced, with the car's first major styling change in 15 years. In 2005 Chevrolet began to create and come out with its Ecotec engine family cars.