Sunday, November 29, 2009

Chevrolet Motor Companies Product Concepts II

Chevrolet Motor Company is very infamous for its brand of vehicles. Their logo is a plus sign that has never changed. People are so used to seeing that symbol they know its the infamous Chevrolet logo, the logo is also a brand mark that cannot be spoken but just seen. Chevrolet Motor Company many years ago was just an domestic company, now as time passed their are also known as a global brand. a global brand is a brand where at least 2o percent of the product is sold outside its home country or region. Most of the sales are taking place in Europe, Chevrolet sales for its products have doubled this year. Chevrolet Motor Company is absolutely amazing when it comes to warranties, when a customer purchases a Chevrolet vehicle there is a 5 year warranty with a 100k mile power-train ltd warranty. I believe that Chevrolet Motor Company vehicles are built to last and very reliable and also very affordable for today's consumer.

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